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This Is the Way to Check Out Books

Library cards featuring Baby Yoda

Picture being 5 years old and getting your first library card. Now imagine that card – a key that unlocks the secrets of the entire galaxy — had an image of the universe’s cutest Jedi Master. That’s right — your first library card featured none other than Grogu, aka Baby Yoda, aka The Child.

For a young boy in Tyler, Texas, this was no fantasy. As the Tyler Morning Telegraph reported, 5-year-old Ace Smith and 4-year-old Tripp Bowie were the first patrons at the Longview Public Library — and the nation — to get the out-of-this-word limited edition library cards.

The Child debuted as a READ® poster star in December 2020, and now the breakout star of The Mandalorian is pocket sized. When Ace and Tripp reach for their library cards, they’ll be greeted by the adorable green guy and the phrase READ: This is the Way.

Now Star Wars fans might see these cards touching down at their local libraries. The American Library Association is making them available to libraries throughout the country.

Want Grogu on your local library’s cards? Tell you librarian to request more information.  

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